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Militia features 3 prominent encounters / locations that were designed in the context of several other maps I designed at my time at Treyarch.  Notably - the chapel housing rows of pews, the bridge over the central pit, and the undercut path that links the middle lane to the furthest outside lane.  I take no credit for the wholistic design of Militia but the 3 aforementioned encounters in isolation were all designed to play well in isolation (small scale) and bolster unique connections to the outside map (large scale).  The chapel most noticeably is an excellent vehicle for objective gameplay by military shooter standards by utilizing the rows of pews, while the risen entryway in the wall provides a hard counter. The floating bridge provides an excellent example of vertical overlap, and the borrowed undercut pathway yet another. Again, the final shipped map seen below is not my work; only indicative of pathing and encounters I had made.

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